Most Recent Articles For: Late

Written by admin on April 2nd, 2011
You know it brings a sickening feeling to the pit of my gut when I think of the number of times and how much it must have cost for my credit card company to ...
Written by admin on April 2nd, 2011
Penalties for late payment of PAYE and NIC, May 2010. From May 2010 HMRC are implementing new penalties for late payment of periodic PAYE /NIC from businesses. This will include any tax, national insurance contributions, ...
Written by admin on April 1st, 2011
Late payments are quite common in an auto finance bad credit situation. This is because the payments involved in this situation are most of the time higher than the premiums of an ordinary financing. ...
Written by admin on April 1st, 2011
Credit control has never been more important. One inevitable consequence of the downturn is an increasing number of companies addressing their own cashflow difficulties by delaying payment to their suppliers. Thus, the company that ...
Written by admin on April 1st, 2011
Your payment history is actually determining 35% of your credit score, which is why you would mind to make your payments on time! Furthermore, the late payments will affect your score for a ...