The most successful investors know that it is best to allocate investment across several asset classes whose returns are not completely correlated with each other. Most of them have assets in cash, equities (stocks), ...
Most Recent Articles For: Housing
Written by admin on May 12th, 2011
Written by admin on May 11th, 2011
It looks like another banner year for the triple net leasing market, with demand far exceeding supply in most areas of the country. Thanks largely to the baby boomer population seeking out new types ...
Written by admin on May 5th, 2011
California is a prime location for real estate investors and many people are seen to relocate here in search of new job opportunities. There is a constant demand for housing and many new constructions ...
Written by admin on May 4th, 2011
There is a new trend in home sales that is drawing some attention. The current climate in the housing market has caused trouble for homeowners who are finding it difficult to find solid buyers. ...
Written by admin on April 29th, 2011
The new housing plan announced by President Obama last week has two main parts. First, there is a billion loan modification plan and, second, there is a program that helps borrowers who are ...