Online Legal and Paralegal Training Schools
Written by admin on May 9th, 2011There are a number of accredited online schools and colleges that offer training for those looking to obtain a degree in the legal and paralegal field. Paralegals, also known as lawyer assistants are responsible for a variety of tasks like researching, preparing documents, meeting with clients, and taking notes. Students who choose to enroll in an online educational program will prepare for careers in law, criminal justice, and more. Online educational options include certificates as well as associates, bachelors, and master’s degrees.
Associate level degrees are available through a number of online educational programs. An associate’s degree will provide students with the skills necessary to work in a law office or courthouse. Students can train for the career they desire in as little as two years or continue education to earn a higher degree in legal and paralegal studies. An online degree at this level will take approximately 60 credit hours or four full time semesters to complete. Curriculum may include the study of legal research, administrative law, criminal law, contracts, legal analysis, and more. Students can continue their education with enrollment in a bachelor’s degree program.
With a bachelor’s degree program students can obtain an education in just four years. Length of study will consist of 120 credit hours or eight full time semesters. Online schools provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to obtain a bachelors degree and career in the legal and paralegal profession. Bachelor’s degree holders will have gained the online education to work in law enforcement agencies, corporate law departments, private law firms, state and federal government agencies, and more. Online course study may consist of learning to research legal issues, draft and summarize legal documents, prepare pleadings, interview clients, and more. An online bachelor’s degree program will prepare student for study at a master’s level.
An accredited online master’s degree program allows students to obtain knowledge in a variety of areas. A master’s degree in legal and paralegal studies will consist of an additional year of education. Curriculum may include online courses in communications, corporate law, legal research and writing, litigation, government law, international law, and intellectual property law. With a masters degree students will have the training to consider becoming attorneys. Certificate programs can also be completed online after obtaining a masters degree if students choose to obtain specialized education.
Students can choose to obtain online certification either before or after completing a degree program. Certificates can be earned in specialized areas that legal and paralegal professionals need knowledge of to further their skills. Certificates can take anywhere from a couple months to one year to complete. Students can choose to obtain a certificate in areas like corporate and property law, environmental law, international law, alternative dispute resolution, and more.
Degrees and certifications can allow students to start their careers in areas such as corporate legal departments, law firms, and state and federal government agencies. Students who wish to obtain the career training necessary for employment in these areas can do so by gaining an accredited education in legal and paralegal studies online. Students interested in a career in this field can prepare by enrolling in a number of accredited online schools and colleges.
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