Tax Thailand System
The taxation system raises the revenue from the following taxes:Corporate income tax;Personal income tax;Withholding tax;Value added tax;Specific business tax;Customs duties; andOther taxes (including excise tax, stamp duty and petroleum income tax).The Ministry ...
Most Recent Articles For: total offshore jobs
Written by admin on May 14th, 2011
Written by admin on May 14th, 2011
An annuity is a form of insurance that assures a certain amount of insurance for a certain amount of time. This can help you in quite a few situations and it is taxed and ...
Written by admin on May 14th, 2011
Contents1. Market place2. Trading on the stock exchange floor3. Securities. Categories of common stock3.1 Growth stocks3.2 Cyclical stocks3.3 Special situations4. Preferred stocks4.1 Bonds-corporate4.2 Bonds-U.S. government4.3 Bonds-municipal4.4 Convertible securities4.5 Option4.6 Rights4.7 Warrants4.8 Commodities and financial ...
Written by admin on May 14th, 2011
U.S. Trade Policy and Declining Manufacturing: Where do we go from here?
Paul Crist, August 14, 2010
The U.S. economy and the manufacturing sector in particular, face both short-term and long-term challenges. There is debate about ...
Written by admin on May 14th, 2011
When an investor thinks about investing in the stocks, he needs to decide whether he is after capital or the income growth?
Investing for Income Few shares are usually classified as the income stocks. There ...