Most Recent Articles For: Reality

Written by admin on April 7th, 2011
MORTGAGE LATES ON YOUR CREDIT REPORT   So many of you are facing the reality of being late on your mortgage payment and how it has affected your credit scores. I personally know of ...
Written by admin on April 3rd, 2011
As the economy worsens and banks continue to crash and the US dollar is losing its place as the world currency American entrepreneurs need alternative funding solutions that cater to ongoing capital needs that ...
Written by admin on April 3rd, 2011
No matter what you do, if you are in a situation where you are not able to pay your mortgage on time there will be dire consequences when it comes to your credit. It ...
Written by admin on April 1st, 2011
Although it may be necessary to go into debt to make major purchases, such as a car or home, I do not believe we should make debt a lifestyle. And even when we do ...
Written by admin on March 29th, 2011
Why should a writer make the conscious decision to publish his work with a publisher that intends to give that work away to the public free of charge?For that matter, why should any publisher ...