Most Recent Articles For: Islam

Written by admin on July 31st, 2011
(Brian Ringland ORT)Pakistan is a country that is in the news - a lot. We hear stories about Taliban fighters in the North as well as bombings and assassinations in the South. The average ...
Written by admin on May 21st, 2011
Islamic financial arrangements used in Islamic banking (MUSHARIKA, MURABIHA, QARDE AL'HASANA, IJAREH, MUDARABA) Author: EHSAN ZARROKH ZARROKH2007@YAHOO.COM 2007-04-06 ABSTRACT Islamic finance is an old concept but a very young discipline in the academic sense. It lacks the required extent ...
Written by admin on May 21st, 2011
    In this era of heightened awareness of human rights, the title looks like a blasphemy, but bitter truth is often more repugnant than fiction. For instance, presently, a slave costs 1/38th of the price ...