A logbook loan is a loan secured on the logbook of your car. If you own a vehicle, it is now possible to get a loan with your car or guarantee of safety, where ...
Most Recent Articles For: Borrowers
Written by admin on April 30th, 2011
Written by admin on April 29th, 2011
A bad credit history of late payments and defaults is certainly a huge hurdle and with CCJs the applicants finds it even harder to get a loan. But that is usually not the case ...
Written by admin on April 29th, 2011
The new housing plan announced by President Obama last week has two main parts. First, there is a billion loan modification plan and, second, there is a program that helps borrowers who are ...
Written by admin on April 28th, 2011
What do you think is the most significant development in the world? Internet technology and the World Wide Web. With it, lots of things have become easy for us. Things that take weeks or ...
Written by admin on April 28th, 2011
Today there are many homeowners who struggle tirelessly to pay the mortgage payments on time. Many of these homeowners in trouble has a loan at low interest rate with a variable interest rate, which ...