Shaw Capital Management: Obama Vows To Fight Financial Fraud In US DOJ Budget Plan
Written by admin on November 6th, 2011Article by Shaw Financial
By Maya Jackson Randall, Of DOW JONES NEWSWIRES
WASHINGTON -(Dow Jones)- U.S. President Barack Obama’s fiscal 2012 budget plan proposes a 2% jump in U.S. Justice
Department funding, as the administration vows to crackdown on financial fraud and foreclosure violations.The proposal would provide the department $ 28.2 billion, representing a 2% increase above 2010 levels.Under the plan unveiled Monday morning, $ 3 billion would go toward the department’s litigation efforts, including those aimed at helping the U.S. attorney general’s financial fraud task forces.In wake of the financial crisis, the U.S. government has faced pressure to penalize companies that prey on investors and consumers. Obama set up an interagency task force in November 2009 to investigate financial fraud and root out scam artists and Ponzi-scheme operators.In December 2010, U.S. officials announced that they had charged more than 500 people in what they described as a massive nationwide sweep of scam artists. The officials said the schemes harmed more than 120,000 victims throughout the country.
The losses from the criminal cases total more than $ 8 billion, while losses from the civil cases amount to $ 2.1 billion.”Financial crimes such as these not only threaten the financial stability of families, but also the stability of our entire
economy and our continued recovery,” the budget report says.The budget blueprint also includes funding for more specialists who can enforce U.S. intellectual property interests.
In addition, the budget plan would increase funding for the Justice Department’s national security programs to fight the threat of terrorism, strengthen state and local criminal justice programs and maintain funding for investigations and attorneys needed to address the BP PLC oil spill.
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By Maya Jackson Randall, Dow Jones Newswires; 202-862-6687, maya.jackson
Tags: Barack, barack obama, bp plc, budget blueprint, budget plan, budget report, capital, capital management, criminal justice programs, DOJ, dow jones, economy, financial crimes, financial fraud, financial stability, foreclosure, fraud, Goal, government, information, intellectual property interests, interagency, interagency task force, Justice, litigation, litigation efforts, Monday, national security programs, newsat, niche, Obama, oil spill, ponzi scheme, prey, property, report, root, scam artists, scheme operators, spill, stock, sweep, terrorism, threat, time