5 Simple Tips To Refinance Your Mortgage With Bad Credit
Written by admin on June 21st, 2011Home mortgage refinancing is a good way to reduce monthly payments and interest rate on home loan. Meanwhile, trying to refinancing a bad credit may face many obstacles. It is a common idea among mortgage lenders to charge high interest rates if the borrower has bad credit, which may negate the normal value of refinancing. Be cautious of unscrupulous lenders who may try to scam you while shopping for a lender for your bad credit. However, we have detailed below how to shop around and investigate potential mortgage lenders whom can refinance your mortgage without any problem.
1. Search for a reliable and trustworthy website such as E-Loan, to make comparison shop for potential lenders who can refinance your home loan. In the available online submission form, choose a fixed rate term between 15 and 40 years for your mortgage loan refinance and provide your home’s current value. Also, include your mortgage lender, your current mortgage balance and your bank where you are having your checking and saving accounts. For best and proven result, do not choose any option to take cash out as you are considering home mortgage loan refinancing. Provide all disclosure of your bad credit history, with inclusion of times your home has been foreclosed or you have been declared bankruptcy.
2. Compare the offers made by the lenders on your mortgage refinancing request. Below are what to look out for in lenders offer:
(i) A fixed rate loan
(ii) Interest rate that is lower than your current rate;
(iii) Stay away from ARMs (Adjustable Rate Mortgages)
(iv) Do not consider mortgages with a low introductory rate which will later go up.
(v) Check if there is any penalty to pay off or refinancing of mortgage again.
(vi) Also, weigh the monthly mortgage payments (including interest), taxes and insurance and ensure they are within your financial capacity.
So if they are not, a mortgage loan with a longer term application should be considered. If E-Loan lenders do not suite you or they decline to make you an offer, then you can try another creditable site like MortgageLoan (it specializes in provision of loans for people with bad credit).
3. Visit Better Business Bureau website to check the rating of any mortgage lender that you do not recognize. No matter how sweet and favorable a lender offer is, never accept any deal with him, if it is not listed on BBB website. However, it is not compulsory that the lender should be accredited by the BBB but it should have a good rating and every complaints made should have been satisfactorily resolved. Never, think or assume to consider a bad lender simply because you have bad credit.
4. Protect your right under the law
TILA (The Truth In Lending Act) was meant to guard borrowers when they benefited or acquired a mortgage loan. Credible mortgage lenders must provide information such as their identity, the amount they will be financing and monthly payments clearly. Normally, you will have to rescind the credit contract until midnight of the third day if a TILA disclosure form was provided when you are refinancing your home loan. You have 3 years to rescind the agreement if the lender does not make provision for TILA disclosure form.
5. Be suspicious of scam and misleading advertisements from mortgage lenders offering delightful and exceedingly low mortgage rates if you refinance. Some of these lenders are trying to lure homeowners with bad credit with lower rates which usually turn out to be only an introductory rate. They can also offer you very low payments, and not disclose that payments are interest only. Also, in some cases, lenders may hide the fact that a loan is in ARM (Adjustable Rate Mortgage) instead of a fixed rate mortgage
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