General Knowledge Pt. XVIII

Written by admin on May 20th, 2011

University to wear the academic dress of other universities from which they have obtained degrees.

What is the origin of judo?

Judo has its origin in the ancient Japanese art of jujutsu, (alsojujitsu) a system of hand-to-hand combat. The bushi of feudal Japan (samurai) are usually credited with developing jujutsu. In their time, the art was known as Yoroi kumi-uchi, in which fighters fought, fully clad in Japanese armour. The chronicle of the Japanese nation, documents public, unarmed competitions (hikara-kurabe) dating back to 230 B C. Unlike the Western hand-to-hand fighter, thejujutsufighterwas expected to be pliable, winning by appearing to yield.

What is a NEET?

NEET is a British term used for a young person who is not engaged by way of any work, academics, or training programme. It’s an acronym derived from the phrase ‘Not in Employment, Education or Training’, a government classification often used to refer to the stage that teenagers or young adults go through when they have nothing to do. However, the age group of people under this category varies from county to country.

Why is an Englishman called John Bull?

John Bull originated as a creation of Dr John Arbuthnot, Queen Anne’s physician, who in 1712, wrote a collection of pamphlets entitled The History of John Bull’ but wanted to remain anonymous. The term became a national personification of England, and in particular, Great Britain, especially in political cartoons. It sometimes refers to the whole of the United Kingdom, but has not been accepted in Scotland and Wales.

What is the origin of the term Trench Kiss’?

One theory is associated with France being known as the city of love, with the Eiffel Tower and Paris considered the ultimate symbols of romance. Another theory is that French Kiss was a derogatory term used during war: —it was said that the French would rather make love with their faces than fight. The term dates back to at least the 1820s and became popular again during the 1920s when the French were believed to be preoccupied then with passion and love.

Why is the international dateline drawn in a zigzag manner?

The International Date Line (IDL) passes through the Pacific Ocean. It is an imaginary line, like longitudes and latitudes. The time difference on either side of this line is 24 hours. So, the date changes as soon as one crosses this line. To avoid any confusion of date, this line is drawn through where the sea lies and not land. Hence, the IDL is drawn in a zig-zag manner.

Why are celestial bodies spherical in shape?

Celestial bodied, are spherical in shape because of gravity Whenever enough mass gathers close together, the resultant gravity, which follows the inverse square law, pulls equally in all directions and results in a spherical shape. Irrespective of the material composition of the celestial body a diameter of a few hundred kilometers is sufficient to create a spherical form.

What are Humboldt penguins?

They are South American penguins that breed in coastal Peru and Chile. Humboldt penguins are named after the cold water current they swims in, which takes its name after the explorer Alexander von Humboldt. These birds are medium-sized with blackish-grey upper parts and whitish under parts and a black breast-band that extends down the flanks to the thigh. They have a fleshy-pink base to the bill. Juveniles have dark heads and no breastband. They have spines on their tongues, which are used to hold prey.

What is infoganda?

Infoganda — a portmanteau of information and propaganda — has found currency to describe a news item or a literary piece of work that is informative and also has an underlying agenda. Infoganda is often used by governments and religious bodies to promote a certain message. The word has a negative slant to it.

What is a chicken market in the stocks trade? .

‘Chicken market’ is used to represent one of the stock market trends represented through the index. Bearish and bullish markets implicate downward and upward trends respectively, whereas a chicken market interprets no significant movement of the stock market index. The term chicken is used for an investor who is afraid to take risks.

What is the Chandrasekhar limit in astronomy?

When the sun cools down in about five billion years, gravity will make it shrink. It will end up as a solid lump — a dead star called white dwarf. In the early 1930s, Indian scientist Subrahmanyam Chandrasekhar found out that if a white dwarf has more than 1.4 times as much mass as the sun, it will not be able to support itself. This is the Chandrasekhar limit.

Why does a person cry while having a hearty laugh?

People cry in response to emotion, whether it is good or bad, because of signals from the higher centres of the brain that tell the tear glands whether they are happy or sad. These signals travel through the parasympathetic pathways, part of the complicated patterns of emotion that our body instinctively recognizes.

What is the origin of the relay race?

The relay race, which is now an Olympic event, first began with Aboriginals carrying messages between tribes. Legends were passed from generation to generation and from tribe to tribe. In some cases, when the messages were urgent, two separate messengers were sent in different directions with the same message. In some cases, messages had to be relayed from tribe to tribe as one person could not cover such huge distances. This was how relay races began.

What is 2-D technology in cars?

Nowadays, 2-D barcodes are used in cars. There are two types of barcodes that are widely used: one-dimensional (1-D) and two-dimensional (2-D). 1-D barcode is common in most household products, while 2-D barcode is common in industrial products where more information is needed to be stored in the label.

What is Anubis associated with?

Anubis’ is the Greek name for the jackal-headed god associated with mummification and the afterlife in Egyptian mythology. In the ancient Egyptian language, Anubis was known as ‘Inpu’. The oldest known mention of Anubis is in the Old Kingdom’s pyramid texts, where he is associated with the burial of the Pharaoh. At this time, Anubis was the most important god of the dead, but was replaced during the Middle Kingdom by Osiris. After that, Anubis was changed into one of the many sons of Osiris, and the conductor of souls of the underworld. His totem of the jackal is probably due to the fact that jackals would hunt near the cemeteries throughout Egypt.


Slacktivism is used to describe activism which does not require a person to put in any great effort. Slaektivistsjoin causes on the internet and get a feeling of satisfaction without even moving out of their chairs. It is a slightly derogatory term for meaningless causes, as opposed to activism as a crusade, A slacktivist is rarely identified with the cause and is not a flag-waving, card-carrying type.

What is cloud computing?

The term cloud computing with reference to IT is a service offered by a third party — typically a Technology Services Provider— and offered on subscription basis by leveraging the internet. The key proposition is to move away from expensive; capex heavy, on-premises options to affordable, cost-efficient arrangements that are offered on a one-to-many basis. It is a misperception that cloud computing refers to only software; it includes hardware as a service enabling computing on demand.

Why is the countdown so important while launching a rocket?

A countdown is loudly counting in reverse from 10 to 1, prior to an event. In a rocket launch, a countdown is a carefully devised set of procedures ending with the ignition of a rocket engine, which starts 72 to 96 hours prior to its launch time. During the countdown, step-by-step procedures like placing the vehicle at the launch site, loading the essentials needed for the launch, setting up communication with the launch centre, etc are executed. When everything is okayed, ‘T minus Time’, that is, 3 minutes and 40 seconds is set and the process of ignition begins.

Who is Jack Frost?

A common figure in Western folklore, Jack Frost is a personification of the nippiest winter weather, credited with leaving beautiful plant-like patterns on windows and frosting on leaves. His name is probably of Norse derivation— the Norsemen knew him as ‘Jokul FYosir or Jack Frost. The Saxons who settled in Britain had their Lord Snow and King Frost.

What is the mystery of Easter Island?

Easter Island is the eastern-most island of Polynesia, located 3,200 km west of Chile, which annexed it in 1888. The island is called so because it was discovered on Easter Sunday in 1722 by Dutch Admiral Jacob Roggeveen. Its mystery lies in the hundreds of carved stone statues, as high as 12 metres, found on the island, although it was uninhabited when discovered.

What is Cloud Gate?

Cloud Gate is the internationally renowned sculpture designed by British artist of Indian origin, Anish Kapoor, It is located at the centre of the AT&T Plaza in Chicago, Illinois, and was completed in 2006. The stainless steel sculpture is arch- shaped, and is about 12 feet long and weighs 110 tonnes. It is the result of a competition which Anish Kapoor won. Despite experts raising concerns about design and feasibility, it was completed with little or no modifications and is now considered an architectural

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