Six Trends that will Shape Brazil’s Consumer and Retail Market
Written by admin on April 11th, 2011population, as older shoppers prefer not to carry heavy shopping bags home. Catering to an aging population is not a fad. Life expectancy in Brazil increased from 69.5 years in 1998 to 72.7 years in 2008.
Prediction: Companies will need to develop tools and methodologies to understand this groups needs in order to tap this market successfully. This demographic change also calls for tailored and profitable products and services, such as the tourism industry, industrialized food companies and gym centers.
With the ground paved for rapid growth in the retail segment in Brazil, consumer and retail companies need to beware of sudden changes that can occur in emerging markets. The entrance of a new player, a merger or an acquisition for example, can change the competitive scenario quite drastically. Demographic and cultural changes can also have far reaching implications.
As competition becomes ever more intense, companies will need to become more concerned with segmenting, positioning and promoting their products and services accurately. All this can only be achieved by close listening to and monitoring the markets they are in.
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