APR! What’s the Deal? ? A brief about payday loan

Written by admin on March 21st, 2011

Payday loans are regarded by some as being controversial and this is mainly due to the high representative APR s that are offered by Payday Loan Lenders UK. However it may be viewed that the APR is not relevant as the repayment periods for payday loans are typically 31 days and not one year. Therefore the APR is not the actual rate of interest. If repaid on time the actual interest cost of a loan is usually 25%, although this does vary among the payday loan providers.

The information below compares the actual cost of payday loans against the actual cost of long term loans repaid in installments, such as the loans that you would typically be offered by a bank for example. This is a good demonstration of how the APR can be misleading when looking at the actual cost of a Payday Loan

Loan Type: Long Term (Installment); Loan Amount:  £1,000; Loan Period: 36 Months; Total Repayable: £1,486.98; Representative APR: 16.9 %; Actual Interest: 49 %

Loan Type: Long Term (Installment); Loan Amount: £1,000; Loan Period: 60 Months; Total Repayable: £1,937.70; Representative APR: 16.9 %; Actual Interest: 94 %

Loan Type: Payday Loan; Loan Amount: £1,000; Loan Period: 1 Month; Total Repayable: £1,250; Representative APR: 1,355 %; Actual Interest: 25 %

I know that the APR can be confusing and at times daunting when you see in advertisements ‘Representative APR 1,355%’. To make things clear and transparent for yourself you need to be asking the question ‘What is this loan going to cost me?’ and ‘Is it worth it?’

You might be a couple of weeks away from your payday and want to go on a night out with friends and considering using a payday loan to fund this. So for example a £100 loan would mean that you would have to pay back £125 on payday. Would it be worth you instantly having £125 less in your pay packet for that one night out? Probably not!

Alternatively, for example, you may know that if you don’t have £50 in your bank account by 3pm today you will go overdrawn and receive a £35 charge from your bank with a negative score against your credit rating. If you apply for a payday loan from say Quick Quid, you can have the cash within an hour, you will be charged £10 – £14.75 for borrowing £50. If you were to use this £50 to prevent yourself from going overdrawn and being charged £35, you would save between £21.25 – £25 and you would not receive a negative credit score, in fact if you repay the loan on time with Quid Quid you would actually improve your credit rating.

Rather than worrying too much about the APR you should look at how much the loan will actually cost you for the time that you want it and work out for yourself whether or not a Payday Loan Online would be suitable and worthwhile for your situation.

To conclude, Payday loans are actually a quick and easy method to get advanced cash before someone starts their next payday. There are lot many Payday lenders in the industry who offer online applications for the ease of their customers and in most cases they can provide instant decisions on the approvals and on transfers which are same day cash types.

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