Options For Getting Debt Relief – How to Consolidate Debt

Written by admin on November 26th, 2010

while (walk != null && walk != ref && count < LEO_HIGHLIGHTS_INFINITE_LOOP_COUNT) { location.x += walk.offsetLeft; location.y += walk.offsetTop; walk = walk.offsetParent; count++; } _leoHighlightsDebugLog(“Location is: “+elem.id+” – “+location); return location;
} /** * This is used to update the position of an element as a popup * * @param IFrame * @param anchor * @return */
function _leoHighlightsUpdatePopupPos(iFrame,anchor)
{ try { // Gets the scrolled location for x and y var scrolledPos=new LeoHighlightsPosition(0,0); if( self.pageYOffset ) { scrolledPos.x = self.pageXOffset; scrolledPos.y = self.pageYOffset; } else if( document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop ) { scrolledPos.x = document.documentElement.scrollLeft; scrolledPos.y = document.documentElement.scrollTop; } else if( document.body ) { scrolledPos.x = document.body.scrollLeft; scrolledPos.y = document.body.scrollTop; } /* Get the total dimensions to see what scroll bars might be active */ var totalDim=new LeoHighlightsDimension(0,0) if (document.all && document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientHeight&&document;.documentElement.clientWidth) { totalDim.width = document.documentElement.scrollWidth; totalDim.height = document.documentElement.scrollHeight; } else if (document.all) { /* This is in IE */ totalDim.width = document.body.scrollWidth; totalDim.height = document.body.scrollHeight; } else { totalDim.width = document.width; totalDim.height = document.height; } // Gets the location of the available screen space var centerDim=new LeoHighlightsDimension(0,0); if(self.innerWidth && self.innerHeight ) { centerDim.width = self.innerWidth-(totalDim.height>self.innerHeight?16:0); // subtracting scroll bar offsets for firefox centerDim.height = self.innerHeight-(totalDim.width>self.innerWidth?16:0); // subtracting scroll bar offsets for firefox } else if( document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientHeight ) { centerDim.width = document.documentElement.clientWidth; centerDim.height = document.documentElement.clientHeight; } else if( document.body ) { centerDim.width = document.body.clientWidth; centerDim.height = document.body.clientHeight; } // Get the current dimension of the popup element var iFrameDim=new LeoHighlightsDimension(iFrame.offsetWidth,iFrame.offsetHeight) if (iFrameDim.width <= 0) iFrameDim.width = iFrame.style.width.substring(0, iFrame.style.width.indexOf(‘px’)); if (iFrameDim.height <= 0) iFrameDim.height = iFrame.style.height.substring(0, iFrame.style.height.indexOf(‘px’)); /* Calculate the position, lower right hand corner by default */ var position=new LeoHighlightsPosition(0,0); position.x=scrolledPos.x+centerDim.width-iFrameDim.width-LEO_HIGHLIGHTS_ADJUSTMENT.x; position.y=scrolledPos.y+centerDim.height-iFrameDim.height-LEO_HIGHLIGHTS_ADJUSTMENT.y; if(anchor!=null) { //centerDim in relation to the anchor element if available var topOrBottom = false; var anchorPos=_leoHighlightsGetLocation(document.body, anchor); var anchorScreenPos = new LeoHighlightsPosition(anchorPos.x-scrolledPos.x,anchorPos.y-scrolledPos.y); var anchorDim=new LeoHighlightsDimension(anchor.offsetWidth,anchor.offsetHeight) if (anchorDim.width <= 0) anchorDim.width = anchor.style.width.substring(0, anchor.style.width.indexOf(‘px’)); if (anchorDim.height <= 0) anchorDim.height = anchor.style.height.substring(0, anchor.style.height.indexOf(‘px’)); // Check if the popup can be shown above or below the element if (centerDim.height – anchorDim.height – iFrameDim.height – anchorScreenPos.y > 0) { // Show below, formula above calculates space below open iFrame position.y = anchorPos.y + anchorDim.height; topOrBottom = true; } else if (anchorScreenPos.y – anchorDim.height – iFrameDim.height > 0) { // Show above, formula above calculates space above open iFrame position.y = anchorPos.y – iFrameDim.height – anchorDim.height; topOrBottom = true; } _leoHighlightsDebugLog(“_leoHighlightsUpdatePopupPos() – topOrBottom: “+topOrBottom); if (topOrBottom) { // We attempt top attach the window to the element position.x = anchorPos.x – iFrameDim.width / 2; if (position.x < 0) position.x = 0; else if (position.x + iFrameDim.width > scrolledPos.x + centerDim.width) position.x = scrolledPos.x + centerDim.width – iFrameDim.width; _leoHighlightsDebugLog(“_leoHighlightsUpdatePopupPos() – topOrBottom: “+position); } else { // Attempt to align on the right or left hand side if (centerDim.width – anchorDim.width – iFrameDim.width – anchorScreenPos.x > 0) position.x = anchorPos.x + anchorDim.width; else if (anchorScreenPos.x – anchorDim.width – iFrameDim.width > 0) position.x = anchorPos.x – anchorDim.width; else // default to below position.y = anchorPos.y + anchorDim.height; _leoHighlightsDebugLog(“_leoHighlightsUpdatePopupPos() – sideBottom: “+position); } } /* Make sure that we don’t go passed the right hand border */ if(position.x+iFrameDim.width>centerDim.width-20) position.x=centerDim.width-(iFrameDim.width+20); // Make sure that we didn’t go passed the start if(position.x<0) position.x=0; if(position.y<0) position.y=0; _leoHighlightsDebugLog(“Popup info id: ” +iFrame.id+” – “+anchor.id + “\nscrolled ” + scrolledPos + “\ncenter/visible ” + centerDim + “\nanchor (absolute) ” + anchorPos + “\nanchor (screen) ” + anchorScreenPos + “\nSize (anchor) ” + anchorDim + “\nSize (popup) ” + iFrameDim + “\nResult pos ” + position); // Set the popup location iFrame.style.left = position.x + “px”; iFrame.style.top = position.y + “px”; } catch(e) { _leoHighlightsReportExeception(“_leoHighlightsUpdatePopupPos()”,e); }
} /** * This will show the passed in element as a popup * * @param anchorId * @param size * * @return */
function _leoHighlightsShowPopup(anchorId,size)
{ try { var popup=new LeoHighlightsPopup(anchorId,size); popup.show(); } catch(e) { _leoHighlightsReportExeception(“_leoHighlightsShowPopup()”,e); } } /** * This will transform the passed in url to a rover url * * @param url * @return */
function _leoHighlightsGetRoverUrl(url)
{ var rover=LEO_HIGHLIGHTS_ROVER_TAG; var roverUrl=”http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/”+rover+”/4?&mpre;=”+encodeURI(url); return roverUrl;
} /** * Sets the size of the bottom windown part * * @param size * @return */
function _leoHighlightsSetBottomSize(size,clickId)
{ /* Get the elements */ var iFrameBottom=_leoHighlightsFindElementById(LEO_HIGHLIGHTS_IFRAME_BOTTOM_ID); var iFrameDiv=_leoHighlightsFindElementById(LEO_HIGHLIGHTS_IFRAME_DIV_ID); /* Figure out the correct sizes */ var iFrameBottomSize=(size==1)?LEO_HIGHLIGHTS_IFRAME_BOTTOM_CLICK_SIZE:LEO_HIGHLIGHTS_IFRAME_BOTTOM_HOVER_SIZE; var divSize=(size==1)?LEO_HIGHLIGHTS_DIV_CLICK_SIZE:LEO_HIGHLIGHTS_DIV_HOVER_SIZE; /* Refresh the iFrame’s url, by removing the size arg and adding it again */ leoHighlightsUpdateUrl(iFrameBottom,size,clickId); /* Clear the hover flag, if the user shows this at full size */ _leoHighlightsPrevElem.hover=size==1?false:true; _leoHighlightsSetSize(iFrameBottom,iFrameBottomSize); _leoHighlightsSetSize(iFrameDiv,divSize);
} /** * Class for a Popup * * @param anchorId * @param size * * @return */
function LeoHighlightsPopup(anchorId,size)
{ try { _leoHighlightsDebugLog(“LeoHighlightsPopup() “); this.anchorId=anchorId; this.anchor=_leoHighlightsFindElementById(this.anchorId); this.topIframe=_leoHighlightsFindElementById(LEO_HIGHLIGHTS_IFRAME_TOP_ID); this.bottomIframe=_leoHighlightsFindElementById(LEO_HIGHLIGHTS_IFRAME_BOTTOM_ID); this.iFrameDiv=_leoHighlightsFindElementById(LEO_HIGHLIGHTS_IFRAME_DIV_ID); this.topIframe.src=unescape(this.anchor.getAttribute(‘leoHighlights_url_top’));; this.bottomIframe.src=unescape(this.anchor.getAttribute(‘leoHighlights_url_bottom’));; _leoHighlightsDebugLog(“1) LeoHighlightsPopup() (“+this.topIframe.style.top+”, “+this.topIframe.style.left+”)”); _leoHighlightsDebugLog(“2) LeoHighlightsPopup() (“+this.bottomIframe.style.top+”, “+this.bottomIframe.style.left+”)”); leoHighlightsSetSize(size); this.updatePos=function() { _leoHighlightsUpdatePopupPos(this.iFrameDiv,this.anchor)}; this.show=function() { this.updatePos(); this.iFrameDiv.style.visibility = “visible”; this.iFrameDiv.style.display = “block”; this.updatePos(); _leoHighlightsDebugLog(“3) LeoHighlightsPopup() (“+this.topIframe.style.top+”, “+this.topIframe.style.left+”)”); _leoHighlightsDebugLog(“4) LeoHighlightsPopup() (“+this.bottomIframe.style.top+”, “+this.bottomIframe.style.left+”)”); } this.scroll=function() { this.updatePos();}; } catch(e) { _leoHighlightsReportExeception(“new LeoHighlightsPopup()”,e); }
} /** * updates the url for the iFrame * * @param iFrame * @param size * @param clickId * @return */
function leoHighlightsUpdateUrl(iFrame,size,clickId,destUrl)
{ try { _leoHighlightsDebugLog(“leoHighlightsUpdateUrl() “+destUrl); var url=iFrame.src; var idx=url.indexOf(“&size;=”); if(idx>=0) url=url.substring(0,idx); // size=1; _leoHighlightsDebugLog(“leoHighlightsUpdateUrl() size=”+size+” “+url); if(size!=null) url+=(“&size;=”+size); if(clickId!=null) url+=(“&clickId;=”+clickId); if(destUrl!=null) url+=(“&url;=”+destUrl); _leoHighlightsDebugLog(“leoHighlightsUpdateUrl() “+url); iFrame.src=url; } catch(e) { _leoHighlightsReportExeception(“leoHighlightsUpdateUrl()”,e); }
} /**
* This can be used to close an iframe
* @param id
* @return
function leoHighlightsSetSize(size,clickId)
{ try { /* Get the element */ var iFrameTop=_leoHighlightsFindElementById(LEO_HIGHLIGHTS_IFRAME_TOP_ID); /* Figure out the correct sizes */ var iFrameTopSize=LEO_HIGHLIGHTS_IFRAME_TOP_SIZE; /* Refresh the iFrame’s url, by removing the size arg and adding it again */ leoHighlightsUpdateUrl(iFrameTop,size,clickId); _leoHighlightsSetSize(iFrameTop,iFrameTopSize); _leoHighlightsSetBottomSize(size,clickId); /* Clear the hover flag, if the user shows this at full size */ if(size==1&&_leoHighlightsPrevElem)

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