Debt Consolidation Money Saving Expert – You Can Be One

Written by admin on November 26th, 2010

Many individuals in unpleasant debt situations report a feeling of powerlessness.

One of the best ways to regain control of your finances and move forward towards the goal of becoming debt-free is to educate yourself on money-saving debt consolidation strategies.

Aurora Lillo Editor of the “Best Debt Consolidation Services” website — — pointed out;


“…By adopting a few simple practices as your own, you can bring your finances back into line and repair your credit score in a very short period. First, you need to learn about coupling settlement strategies with you consolidation loan. Second, you need to learn the value of creating a realistic repayment plan and sticking to it. Third, you need to learn healthy spending habits that will protect you from every landing yourself in another negative credit situation…”

Couple Settlement with Consolidation

When you borrow a large lump sum in order to pay off all your creditors in one fell swoop, you actually have a lot of negotiating leverage with your lenders. If your creditors do not negotiate lower closeout payments with you, their other alternatives are to keep harassing you for more payment or to turn your account over to collection agencies that pay just pennies on the dollar. For this reason, many companies are willing to negotiate settlements with you that are up to 50% lower than your original principle owed. This knowledge alone can make you a money saving expert when it comes to debt consolidation. If you work with a debt-relief organization or a consolidation lawyer, you may be able to reach settlements that are far better than what you could muster as a lone-ranger consumer.

Repayment Plan

When you consolidate your debt into a streamlined monthly payment plan that requires just one check to be written per month, it is important that you choose loan terms that allow you to live comfortably within your means. Missing payments will not help you to rebuild your credit score, so it is imperative that you choose a monthly payment that you can count on yourself to pay on time, without exception.

Healthy Spending

“…While smart debt consolidation strategies can help you to get out of your current bind, only a life changing paradigm shift can help you to remain on track financially for a long time coming. Work with debt-relief organizations to create a budget that you can live with and to set both short and long-term financial goals toward which you can set aside a realistic amount every month…” added A. Lillo.

Further information about trusted and reputable companies for debt consolidation by visiting;

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